The One Page Business Plan
Business plans are developed to focus a business’ strategies for success.
Before you read about the One Page Business Plan, allow me to ask you several questions:
- How did your business prepare itself for 2021?
- How successful has your business been in cascading goals, strategies, and vision – from the top to the bottom of your company?
- How many of your employees/customers understand your business – and why is this important?
Depending on the answers to these questions, I may be able to help, so take a moment to reflect on the One Page Business Plan.
The One Page Business Plan® was established in 1997 by Jim Horan.
Jim observed, time and again, that managers and owners failed to WRITE a plan for their job, business, department, etc. This is uncommonly true with smaller businesses.
One of the keys for success in the 21st Century is to address 5 basic and essential business questions and then monitor their implementation.
- What are you building? What will your company look like in the future? (i.e.: 1, 3, 5, or 10 years?)
- What purpose does your company serve? Who do you serve and what want, need, desire, pain, and/or opportunity do they want solved from you, your organization, your product or service?
- What will make your company successful over time?
- What is the work that needs to be done?
- How will you measure success?
These five questions are the foundation of The One Page Business Plan®, a highly innovative approach to planning that was developed to address the need for a simplified, concise approach to business planning for the New Economy Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners.
The Plan makes efficient use of Balanced Scorecards to ensure that your objectives and strategies are specific and measurable.
The One Page Business Plan® is used by a multitude of corporations – Ford Motor Company, McKesson, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, Equitable Life Insurance, Drake Beam Morin and the list continues to grow.
The One Page Business Plan® is implemented through an interactive web-based planning and performance application that uses balanced scorecards to build objectives and strategies and to measure results.
The package described above can be combined with the Peer Advisory Group. Other packages can be priced according to your business size and participation.
Get a Breakthrough Plan for Your Business
My commitment is to develop a One Page® Business Plan for each client within 30 days and to provide monthly accountability support to implement each plan. I often combine development of a One Page® plan with our Executive Coaching and Leadership Development Programs and our Peer Advisory Group Training.
The One Page Business Plan has been transformational in allowing me to develop accountability around managing my business. The template is very user friendly and easy to work with. By choosing and committing to a variety of specific objectives and then, by simply updating the data monthly, my business plan took shape. It has become an essential tool in managing my business and helps me organize both large and small actions. Warren assisted me step by step to create it and continues to support me monthly to tease out areas to improve.